Pursuant to Article 6 of the French Law N° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in digital economy the identity of the different parties involved in designing and supporting of the website www.canihunt.com is specified to its users:
Responsible for publication: Laurent CANO – contact@cano-concept.com
The responsible for publication is a natural or a legal person.
Webmaster: LIBERTY COM – contact@libertycom.fr
Host: LWS – 4, rue GALVANI 75838 PARIS CEDEX 17 FRANCE
Credits: The legal details were generated and provided by Subdelirium Generator of legal details
Using the website www.canihunt.com implies full acceptance of the following general conditions for use. The conditions for use are subject to change or completion at any time. The users of the website www.canihunt.com are thus invited to refer to them regularly. The website is normally accessible to the users at any time. CANO CONCEPT may, however, decide to interrupt access to carry out technical maintenance. In this case CANO CONCEPT will make the effort to previously notify the users of the date and time of the intervention. The website www.canihunt.com is regularly updated by Laurent CANO. Similarly, legal details may be amended at any time; they are binding on the user, who is therefore advised to check them as often as possible.
The purpose of the website www.canihunt.com is to provide information about of the company’s activities. CANO CONCEPT strives to provide the most accurate information possible on the website www.canihunt.com. However, it shall not be liable for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies of the updates, whether of its own doing or of that of partner third parties providing the information concerned. All information specified on the website www.canihunt.com is indicative and subject to change. Furthermore, the information contained in the website www.canihunt.com is not exhaustive. It will be subject to amendments that may have been introduced since it was put on-line.
This website uses the technology JavaScript. The website will not be considered as responsible for material damages connected to the use of the website. Besides, the website user agrees to access to the website using the latest hardware that is free of viruses via an updated browser of the latest generation.
CANO CONCEPT is the owner of all intellectual property rights or holds the related user rights as regards the elements accessible on the website, such as texts, photographs, pictures, logos, icons, sounds, software. Any reproduction, representation, amendment, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the website, regardless of the medium or process used, shall be prohibited except by previous written authorisation from: CANO CONCEPT. Any unauthorized use of the website or of elements presented thereon will be considered as an infringement and may entail legal proceedings in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 and seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
CANO CONCEPT shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user's hardware when accessing the website www.canihunt.com, either due to using hardware that does not meet the specifications stated in point 4, or due to the appearance of a bug or incompatibility. CANO CONCEPT shall not be held responsible neither for any indirect damage such as loss of profit and missed opportunities resulting from the use of the website www.canihunt.com. Interactive areas (possibility to ask questions in the contact area) are available for the users. CANO CONCEPT reserves the right to delete, without prior notification, any content in the area which conflicts with French legislation, in particular the provisions relating to data protection. Where appropriate, CANO CONCEPT also reserves the right to assign civil and/or criminal liability to the user, in particular in case of contents with racist, offensive, defamatory or pornographic character, irrespective of the medium used (text, photography, ... ).
In France, personal data are protected, among others, by the law N° 78-87 of 6 January 1978, law N° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, the Article L. 226-13 of the French penal code and the European Directive of 24 October 1995. When using the website www.canihunt.com the following data can be collected: the Internet URL address of the links through which the user reaches www.canihunt.com, the user's internet provider, the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the user. In any case, CANO CONCEPT does collect personal information from a user only for the purposes of some services offered on the website www.canihunt.com. The user provides this information freely and in full knowledge of cause, in particular when he or she provides such information willingly. It is specified to the user of the website www.canihunt.com, whether or not he or she is obliged to provide such information. According to the provisions of the Articles 38 and seq. of the French law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to informatics, files and freedom, users are entitled to access, correct and oppose the information of personal data relating to him. To do so, a written and signed request should be sent, together with a copy of signed proof of identity, specifying the address to which the reply is to be returned. None of the personal information concerning the user of the website www.canihunt.com is published without the user's knowledge, nor is it exchanged, transmitted, ceded or sold in any form whatsoever to third parties. Only the repurchase of CANO CONCEPT and its rights would allow the transmission of said information to the possible purchaser, which in turn would be bound by the same obligation to retain and modify the data vis-à-vis the user of the website www.canihunt.com. The website has not not been declared to the CNIL, as it does not collect personal information. . The databases are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998 transposing European Directive 96/9 dated 11 March 1996 governing the legal protection of databases.
The website www.canihunt.com contains a certain number of hyperlinks to other websites created with the permission of CANO CONCEPT. However, CANO CONCEPT is not able to check the content of the sites visited in this way. It shall accept no liability in this regard.
The navigation on the website www.canihunt.com may cause cookies to be installed in the user's computer. A cookie is an element which cannot be used to identify the user, but which serves to register information in relation to his surfing history. The data thus obtained are intended to facilitate subsequent visits to the site, as well as to enable various measurements of visit frequency.
Refusing cookies may cause certain areas of the Web site to malfunction. Users can, however, configure their computers as follows to prevent the installation of cookies:
Under Internet Explorer: tools (icon in the form of a wheelwork located on the upper right) / Internet Options. Click on “Privacy” and chose “Block all cookies”. Validate by clicking OK.
Under Firefox: at the top of the browser window click on the button Firefox, then chose “Options”. Click on “Privacy”. Configure the conservation rules under: use custom settings for historical reference. Finally uncheck this box to disable the cookies.
Under Safari: Click on the icon “Menu” (symbolized by a wheelwork) on the upper right of the browser. Select settings. Click on “Display advanced settings”. In the section “Privacy” click on “Content settings”. In the section “Cookies”, you can disable the cookies.
Under Chrome: Click on the icon “Menu” (symbolized by three horizontal lines) on the upper right of the browser. Select settings. Click on “Display advanced settings”. In the section “Privacy” click on “Preferences”. In the tab “Privacy”, you can disable the cookies.
Any dispute related to use of the website www.canihunt.com is governed by French law. The courts of Paris shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
French law N° 78-17 of 6 January 1978, in particular amended by the law N° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 relating to informatics, files and freedom. French law N° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in digital economy.
User: Internet user connecting to and using the above mentioned website. Personal information: "Information permitting, directly or indirectly, by any means the identification of the physical persons concerned” (Article 4 of the law N° 78-17 of 6 January 1978.
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